
Welcome to ArchiveOfResonance.com — your home for experiential recordings!

Copies of Wind & Harps are now available
Send an email via the Contact page to order

Sounds are all around us.  Many go unnoticed or ignored; some are mundane, pedestrian, and inconsequential.  Others are unique and register in a different region of our psyche.  We find them relaxing, imaginative, pleasingly peculiar, or indescribable & awe-inspiring!  These are the sounds that I enjoy, seek-out, and observe — and now record!

Albums and sound clips by Archive Of Resonance are not like most sound-scape recordings.  You are not listening to manufactured sound-effects, nor are these multiple recordings layered and re-assembled composites.  The Archive Of Resonance project captures what I call ‘experiential recordings’ — if you hear it then it happened, and you are hearing it exactly as it happened.

The first AOR album is complete, entitled  “Wind & Harps“, featuring two Celtic harps standing-in and being played only by the wind, with the unintended but fortunate addition of birds & breezes, and additionally rain playing the harps.  The first run of CDs are in production and will be available early to mid-October 2012 — I will post updates about their availability here and at AOR’s online locations — listen to a pre-release sound sample here or on Facebook.

The AOR project is getting off the ground — and good things are in the wind!  This site too is off to a great start and is developing quickly — in the coming weeks my webmistress & I intend to add sound samples, site-based album orders, my blog & session journals, free puppies*, and more!

All the Best, Don
AOR Founder ~ 07October2012

*NOTE –  Puppies, free or otherwise, are not likely to come through this website, however you may want to check for a kid with a box at your local grocery store; alternatively, they may have kittens.  Adopting a rescue pet is also a beautiful option if you cannot have your own.


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